Ep 11: How to manage your energy and rest cycles according to your Human Design type, with Damien Bohler

Today’s guest is Damien Bohler, the founder of Evolutionary Relating.

Damien is passionate about helping to evolve the way we relate with friends, family, colleagues and intimate partners.

“Humans are not solitary creatures. We are in relationship, always. With family, friends, work colleagues, romantic partners, dates or lovers. Do you ever ask stop and ask yourself, “What is the quality of these relationships in my life?” — Damien Bohler

We talk about:

  • The science of differentiation and human design and the difference between each design type

  • How we can understand our energy and rest requirements, according to each human design type.

  • Manifestor vs. Generator.

  • Where does the energy come from and what defined and undefined centers can mean 

  • Manifestor’s cycles can be small and long. Giving ourselves permission to ride the crash cycle.

  • Manifestor vs. Projector.

  • The difference between Generator and a Projector.

  • Manifesting Generators vs. Manifestor

  • Balancing work/life balance and energy

  • Paying yourself first and nurturing and nourishing yourself.

Find more about Damien here:


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Ep 12: How to Speak Your Truth and Honour Your Needs


Ep 10: Slowing Down Stories: Working with Monthly cycles of action and rest, listening to your inner voice and slowing down with Leticia Ringe